The Writing Life: reflections by a working writer. The Writing Life

Reflections of a working writer, a university screenwriting professor, and the editor of Oregon Literary Review.

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Charles Deemer

Oregon Literary Review

MFA, Playwriting, University of Oregon

Writing faculty, Portland State University (part-time)

Retired playwright and screenwriter.
Active novelist, librettist and teacher.

Email: cdeemer(at)yahoo(dot)com

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The Writing Life...
"An artist's only concern is to shoot for some kind of perfection, and on his own terms, not anyone else's."
J.D. Salinger

"All my best friends are writers and are dead."
A friend over beer, Berkeley, winter, 1959

"And it came to pass that all the stars in the firmament had ceased to shine. But how was anyone to know?"
The Half-Life Conspiracy

After October 31, 2006,
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The Writing Life II

(Posts archived here are from 01/10/03 - 10/31/06)

Monday, June 30, 2003  
My death
[from a memoir in progress, which began on 4/13/03]
Like most writers, I’ve written a bit about death. Two of my protagonists, in the play Famililly and in the novel Emmett’s Gift, are older men dying of cancer who decide to take their own lives. Here is Emmett, hanging himself in the barn behind the farmhouse in which he rents a room:

He stood very still on the ladder with the rope around his neck. An observer might have assumed he was having second thoughts but he wasn’t. Emmett was reflecting on his good fortune, his good life. He had enjoyed both of his careers and had been able to share them with a good woman, a wife who had been his best friend. When all seemed lost and his life was slipping away, Shandy had appeared, giving him not only intense pleasure, the memory of which still energized him, but renewed courage as well, courage to take control of his life again and to die with dignity, just as he was momentarily prepared to do. Emmett felt lucky for his life. He had experienced Eros, Fidelia and Agape. He had no regrets. Well, one. But in a way he was settling the score now, making up for his failure to put a bullet in Mary’s brain.

A horse whinnied. High in the barn an owl hooted. Somewhere far in the distance a truck shifted down its gears.

Emmett kicked away the ladder, feeling like the happiest man under the stars.

In Famililly, George’s death is more weary than Emmett’s, in response to changes in the world that he does not understand:

GEORGE: You get to be my age, you look back for what went wrong. What happened to the traditional American values? You used to go out and work hard for what you wanted. You used to get married for life.

Well, I fault ourselves. I fault the kind of parents we became. We tried to save our kids from going through all the hardships we went through, and that was a mistake. We had the experience of standing in soup lines during the Great Depression, of being bombed by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor — you don't forget experiences like that. They become rooted in the fabric of your being. Because those experiences are clear, they are without ambiguity.

When a foreign country makes a surprise attack and sinks your navy, you don't get lost in rhetoric about whether war is right or wrong — you roll up your sleeves and get to work. You do what has to be done to defend your country. Everybody pitches in and works together as one big American family.

Maybe you have to suffer to learn these things, and when parents of my generation started protecting their children from going through the hard times that we went through, we ended up doing them a disservice. We spoiled them, is what it amounts to. We gave them the idea you could get what you wanted without working for it, that the world was some kind of play thing for their personal and selfish amusement. Our children never learned how to pitch in and work together, all they looked out for is number one.

When's the last time you heard of a marriage staying together for the sake of the children? Something like that is unthinkable today. Community and family values have gone down the drain.

(A pause.)

GEORGE: Well, there's nothing I can do about it. It's not my world any more. The thing is — and this is sad in a way — it makes it a hell of a lot easier for me to think about throwing in the towel. Because I just don't understand America any more.

Since outliving all my close male friends of my own generation, I’ve found myself thinking about my own death. I, too, want to be cremated, despite my belief that cemeteries are useful institutions for the living. If Harriet chooses to, she can get a plaque from the military and set it wherever she wants. I assume, of course, that she will outlive me. She should. She’s lived a healthy life, and I abused my body in a major ways for over half my years. Yet the gods are always full of surprises, and maybe the last surprise they’ll give me is to outlive my wife.

I want my ashes put at least two places: with Dad in the Shakespeare Garden and with Dick at the top of the White Bird grade.

The worst thing that could happen to me is to lose the ability to write but to remain alive. I can’t imagine such a life. Indeed, I think I would make every effort to terminate such a life. Writing is so much a part of my being that I can’t imagine existence without it. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’ll be able to write mentally even though I can’t literally write anything down.

I’m not sure I want to drop dead as my parents did. At the top of my literary archive in the University of North Carolina’s Ibiblio Collection is the title: Charles Deemer, 1939 - ? Perhaps the most fortunate alternative of all would be to be able to write in the closing date myself. To know I was going to die and so to take care of business, consciously and deliberately. To experience death as experience, not as an accident.

I wonder how many years of writing I have left. If the gods give me ten more years, perhaps I can finish everything that currently is on my plate. By then, of course, new ideas will have occurred to me. But I’d be happy to finish the books I already have in mind.

In any case, I don’t need new experiences. If I lived to write past 100, I wouldn’t be finished writing about the experiences I’ve already had. In this regard, Harriet is much more open to new experiences than I am, always eager to travel and discover new things. I am the opposite. What I want, what I require, is peace and quiet and stability, so I can focus and write and make sense of the experiences I’ve already had. The end of my life is like one long meditation, eventually shaping words into forms that finally give meaning to everything that has happened to me. I can’t think of a swan song that better suits my character.

6/30/2003 05:58:00 AM | 0 comments

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